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CRBF2512AT Bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes Cylindrical Roller Bearings cross roller bearing

CRBF2512AT Lejer til mekanisk udstyr med tætnings- og monteringshuller Cylindriske rullelejer krydsrullelejer

product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-34
CRBF2512AT krydsrulleleje Høj belastning og høj præcisionsleje
 PRS's vigtigste lejeprodukter har karakteristika af høj præcision, bekvem brug og vedligeholdelse, lave omkostninger, kort leveringscyklus og høj omkostningsydelse. De er meget udbredt i elektronik, medicin, energi, værktøjsmaskiner, testudstyr, robotter og industrielt automatiseringsudstyr. I de sidste ti år har virksomheden åbnet op for nye projekter: behandling af nøglekomponenterne i kobberrørbehandlingsudstyret til kondensering og hele udstyrssættet og har akkumuleret moden produktions-, installations- og idriftsættelseserfaring.
Detaljer Billeder
product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-35
Produkter Display
product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-36
Produkt Paramenters
product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-37
product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-38
Anbefal produkter
product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-39
product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-40
Firma Profil
product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-41
product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-42
product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-43
product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-44
Produkt emballage
product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-45
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product crbf2512at bearings for mechanical equipment with sealing and mounting holes cylindrical roller bearings cross roller bearing-46
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